Ambulance Services & Rent A Cars

Aftabnagar Ambulance
Ambulance service

Ambulance Service in Aftabnagar

Aftabnagar Ambulance service in Dhaka. We provide different types of ambulance service. We offer you to Get An Ambulance service in cheap Cost,...

Green Life Hospital
Medical & Hospital

Green Life Medical Hospital

Green life medical hospital in Green Road, Dhaka. The hospital provide best treatment in cheap cost. there doctors are very expert about treatment....

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Ambulance service

Ali Ambulance Service, Mogbazar

Ali Ambulance Service in Dhaka. We provide the best ambulance service in Bangladesh. 24/7 Hours Ambulance service is Available....

Farmgate Ambulance service
Ambulance service

Farmgate Ambulance service

Farmgate ambulance service in Dhaka. We provide different types of Ambulance services in Dhaka city. Emergency Ambulance is available....

Sheba Ambulance
Ambulance service

Sheba Ambulance Service in Dhaka

Seba Ambulance Service in Bangladesh. We provide different types of Ambulances. An emergency ambulance service with Oxygen and a Wheelchair is availab...

Shyampur Ambulance
Ambulance service

Ambulance service in Shyampur

Shyampur Ambulance service in Dhaka. We provide different types of Ambulance service in the all Dhaka city. Emergency Ambulance is available. We offer...

Online Ambulance
Ambulance service

Online ambulance service in Dhanmondi, Dhaka

Online Ambulance service in Mirpur of Bangladesh. This company provide Ac Ambulance, Non-Ac Ambulance, and freezing ambulance service. 24 Hours Ambula...

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Ambulance service

Ambulance service in Mugdapara

Mugdapara Ambulance service in Dhaka. We provide different types of ambulance service. We offer you to Get An Ambulance service in cheap Cost, Contact...

Aftabnagar Ambulance
Ambulance service

Ambulance Service in Aftabnagar...

Aftabnagar Ambulance service in Dhaka. We provide different types of ambulance service. We offer you to Get An Ambulance service in cheap Cost,...

Green Life Hospital
Medical & Hospital

Green Life Medical Hospital...

Green life medical hospital in Green Road, Dhaka. The hospital provide best treatment in cheap cost. there doctors are very expert about treatment....

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Ambulance service

Ali Ambulance Service, Mogbazar...

Ali Ambulance Service in Dhaka. We provide the best ambulance service in Bangladesh. 24/7 Hours Ambulance service is Available....

Farmgate Ambulance service
Ambulance service

Farmgate Ambulance service...

Farmgate ambulance service in Dhaka. We provide different types of Ambulance services in Dhaka city. Emergency Ambulance is available....

Sheba Ambulance
Ambulance service

Sheba Ambulance Service in Dhaka...

Seba Ambulance Service in Bangladesh. We provide different types of Ambulances. An emergency ambulance service with Oxygen and a Wheelchair is availab...

Shyampur Ambulance
Ambulance service

Ambulance service in Shyampur...

Shyampur Ambulance service in Dhaka. We provide different types of Ambulance service in the all Dhaka city. Emergency Ambulance is available. We offer...

Online Ambulance
Ambulance service

Online ambulance service in Dhanmondi,...

Online Ambulance service in Mirpur of Bangladesh. This company provide Ac Ambulance, Non-Ac Ambulance, and freezing ambulance service. 24 Hours Ambula...

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Ambulance service

Ambulance service in Mugdapara...

Mugdapara Ambulance service in Dhaka. We provide different types of ambulance service. We offer you to Get An Ambulance service in cheap Cost, Contact...

Head office

Phone : 01627-669222

Email :

Address : Dhaka, Bangladesh

Shikder Ambulance Service

Phone : 01713-260042

Address : Mogbazar Rd, Dhaka

Visit :

24 Ambulance Service

Phone : 01911-125156

Address : 250, Mogbazar Rd, Dhaka

Visit :

Featured Listings

Popular company listing. Ambulist listed popular company in ther list.

Ambulist Ambulance Service

Emergency Ambulance

Emergency Ambulance Service is available in all districts of Bangladesh. This Ambu-List company provide Ambulance company listings with ambulance service. If you need an emergency ambulance service then contact us.

Ac Ambulance service

Ac Ambulance Service is the best Ambulance to carry a Patients. An Ac ambulance is mainly used to transfer a patient to the hospital or a recently recovered person to his/ her resident. Ac ambulances have air conditioning systems.

Freezing Ambulance

The freezing ambulance service in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is a dead body carrier ambulance. It has freezing box in it. The freezer ambulance can intact the dead body several hours and days. Contact us now

Find of Ambulist Ambulance Services

Ambulance service, Emergency Ambulance service, 24 Hours Ambulance service, Near Ambulance service. Ac Ambulance service, Non-Ac Ambulance service, freezing Ambulance service, freezer Ambulance service. Tbe best Ambulance service, Fast Ambulance service, Private Ambulance service, Ambulance service number, Ambulance service in Dhaka. Ambul-list Ambulance service. If you need ambulance then contact with us, ICU Ambulance. Life support ICU Ambulance, CCU Ambulance. Basic ICU Ambulane service, Ventilator Ambulance. frozen Ambulance, frozen ambulance box. Ambulance Numbers, Air condition Ambulance. Ambulance company. We will provide you An Ambulance or Ambulance Numeber from Near You!

The Ambulist Ambulance Service in Bangladesh. Ambu-list company is the largest and Trusted business directory Website. Ambu-list Rent A Car service, Rent-a-car service, Car rental service, Truck Rental service. Pickup service, Microbus service, Hiace car service, Hi-ace car service, Private car service. We will provide you An Ambulance or Ambulance Numeber from Near You!

Business Directory Website Of Bangladesh

Business Directory Website Of Bangladesh. The Ambu-list is a directory Website & Yellow Pages. Free Business Listing site of Business Directory in Business & Services, Business Directory company. Claim Your Business in free.

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